The sum of the series is approximately equal to 1.644934.[3] The Basel problem asks for the exact sum of this series (in closed form), as well as a proof that this sum is correct. Euler found the exact sum to be and announced this discovery in 1735. His arguments were based on manipulations that were not justified at the time, although he was later proven correct. He produced an accepted proof in 1741.
The solution to this problem can be used to estimate the probability that two large random numbers are coprime. Two random integers in the range from 1 to n, in the limit as n goes to infinity, are relatively prime with a probability that approaches , the reciprocal of the solution to the Basel problem.[4]
Euler's original derivation of the value essentially extended observations about finite polynomials and assumed that these same properties hold true for infinite series.
Of course, Euler's original reasoning requires justification (100 years later, Karl Weierstrass proved that Euler's representation of the sine function as an infinite product is valid, by the Weierstrass factorization theorem), but even without justification, by simply obtaining the correct value, he was able to verify it numerically against partial sums of the series. The agreement he observed gave him sufficient confidence to announce his result to the mathematical community.
To follow Euler's argument, recall the Taylor series expansion of the sine function
Dividing through by x gives
The Weierstrass factorization theorem shows that the right-hand side is the product of linear factors given by its roots, just as for finite polynomials. Euler assumed this as a heuristic for expanding an infinite degree polynomial in terms of its roots, but in fact it is not always true for general .[5] This factorization expands the equation into:
If we formally multiply out this product and collect all the x2 terms (we are allowed to do so because of Newton's identities), we see by induction that the x2 coefficient of sin x/x is [6]
But from the original infinite series expansion of sin x/x, the coefficient of x2 is −1/3! = −1/6. These two coefficients must be equal; thus,
Multiplying both sides of this equation by −π2 gives the sum of the reciprocals of the positive square integers.
This method of calculating is detailed in expository fashion most notably in Havil's Gamma book which details many zeta function and logarithm-related series and integrals, as well as a historical perspective, related to the Euler gamma constant.[7]
Generalizations of Euler's method using elementary symmetric polynomials
For example, let the partial product for expanded as above be defined by . Then using known formulas for elementary symmetric polynomials (a.k.a., Newton's formulas expanded in terms of power sum identities), we can see (for example) that
By the above results, we can conclude that is always a rational multiple of . In particular, since and integer powers of it are transcendental, we can conclude at this point that is irrational, and more precisely, transcendental for all . By contrast, the properties of the odd-indexed zeta constants, including Apéry's constant, are almost completely unknown.
The Riemann zeta functionζ(s) is one of the most significant functions in mathematics because of its relationship to the distribution of the prime numbers. The zeta function is defined for any complex numbers with real part greater than 1 by the following formula:
Taking s = 2, we see that ζ(2) is equal to the sum of the reciprocals of the squares of all positive integers:
Convergence can be proven by the integral test, or by the following inequality:
This gives us the upper bound 2, and because the infinite sum contains no negative terms, it must converge to a value strictly between 0 and 2. It can be shown that ζ(s) has a simple expression in terms of the Bernoulli numbers whenever s is a positive even integer. With s = 2n:[9]
A proof using Euler's formula and L'Hôpital's rule
Note that by considering higher-order powers of we can use integration by parts to extend this method to enumerating formulas for when . In particular, suppose we let
The proof goes back to Augustin Louis Cauchy (Cours d'Analyse, 1821, Note VIII). In 1954, this proof appeared in the book of Akiva and Isaak Yaglom "Nonelementary Problems in an Elementary Exposition". Later, in 1982, it appeared in the journal Eureka,[11] attributed to John Scholes, but Scholes claims he learned the proof from Peter Swinnerton-Dyer, and in any case he maintains the proof was "common knowledge at Cambridge in the late 1960s".[12]
The inequality is shown pictorially for any . The three terms are the areas of the triangle OAC, circle section OAB, and the triangle OAB. Taking reciprocals and squaring gives .
The main idea behind the proof is to bound the partial (finite) sums
between two expressions, each of which will tend to π2/6 as m approaches infinity. The two expressions are derived from identities involving the cotangent and cosecant functions. These identities are in turn derived from de Moivre's formula, and we now turn to establishing these identities.
Let x be a real number with 0 < x < π/2, and let n be a positive odd integer. Then from de Moivre's formula and the definition of the cotangent function, we have
Combining the two equations and equating imaginary parts gives the identity
We take this identity, fix a positive integer m, set n = 2m + 1, and consider xr = rπ/2m + 1 for r = 1, 2, ..., m. Then nxr is a multiple of π and therefore sin(nxr) = 0. So,
for every r = 1, 2, ..., m. The values xr = x1, x2, ..., xm are distinct numbers in the interval 0 < xr < π/2. Since the function cot2x is one-to-one on this interval, the numbers tr = cot2xr are distinct for r = 1, 2, ..., m. By the above equation, these m numbers are the roots of the mth degree polynomial
By Vieta's formulas we can calculate the sum of the roots directly by examining the first two coefficients of the polynomial, and this comparison shows that
Substituting the identitycsc2x = cot2x + 1, we have
Now consider the inequality cot2x < 1/x2 < csc2x (illustrated geometrically above). If we add up all these inequalities for each of the numbers xr = rπ/2m + 1, and if we use the two identities above, we get
Multiplying through by (π/2m + 1)2 , this becomes
As m approaches infinity, the left and right hand expressions each approach π2/6, so by the squeeze theorem,
and this completes the proof.
Proof assuming Weil's conjecture on Tamagawa numbers
A proof is also possible assuming Weil's conjecture on Tamagawa numbers.[13] The conjecture asserts for the case of the algebraic group SL2(R) that the Tamagawa number of the group is one. That is, the quotient of the special linear group over the rational adeles by the special linear group of the rationals (a compact set, because is a lattice in the adeles) has Tamagawa measure 1:
To determine a Tamagawa measure, the group consists of matrices
with . An invariant volume form on the group is
The measure of the quotient is the product of the measures of corresponding to the infinite place, and the measures of in each finite place, where is the p-adic integers.
For the local factors,
where is the field with elements, and is the congruence subgroup modulo . Since each of the coordinates map the latter group onto and , the measure of is , where is the normalized Haar measure on . Also, a standard computation shows that . Putting these together gives .
At the infinite place, an integral computation over the fundamental domain of shows that , and therefore the Weil conjecture finally gives
On the right-hand side, we recognize the Euler product for , and so this gives the solution to the Basel problem.
This approach shows the connection between (hyperbolic) geometry and arithmetic, and can be inverted to give a proof of the Weil conjecture for the special case of , contingent on an independent proof that .
The Basel problem can be proved with Euclidean geometry, using the insight that the real line can be seen as a circle of infinite radius. An intuitive, if not completely rigorous, sketch is given here.
Choose an integer , and take equally spaced points on a circle with circumference equal to . The radius of the circle is and the length of each arc between two points is . Call the points .
Take another generic point on the circle, which will lie at a fraction of the arc between two consecutive points (say and without loss of generality).
Draw all the chords joining with each of the points. Now (this is the key to the proof), compute the sum of the inverse squares of the lengths of all these chords, call it .
The proof relies on the notable fact that (for a fixed ), the does not depend on . Note that intuitively, as increases, the number of chords increases, but their length increases too (as the circle gets bigger), so their inverse square decreases.
In particular, take the case where , meaning that is the midpoint of the arc between two consecutive 's. The can then be found trivially from the case , where there is only one , and one on the opposite side of the circle. Then the chord is the diameter of the circle, of length . The is then .
When goes to infinity, the circle approaches the real line. If you set the origin at , the points are positioned at the odd integer positions (positive and negative), since the arcs have length 1 from to , and 2 onward. You hence get this variation of the Basel Problem:
From here, you can recover the original formulation with a bit of algebra, as:
that is,
The independence of the from can be proved easily with Euclidean geometry for the more restrictive case where is a power of 2, i.e. , which still allows the limiting argument to be applied. The proof proceeds by induction on , and uses the Inverse Pythagorean Theorem, which states that:
where and are the cathetes and is the height of a right triangle.
In the base case of , there is only 1 chord. In the case of , it corresponds to the diameter and the is as stated above.
Now, assume that you have points on a circle with radius and center , and points on a circle with radius and center . The induction step consists in showing that these 2 circles have the same for a given .
Start by drawing the circles so that they share point . Note that lies on the smaller circle. Then, note that is always even, and a simple geometric argument shows that you can pick pairs of opposite points and on the larger circle by joining each pair with a diameter. Furthermore, for each pair, one of the points will be in the "lower" half of the circle (closer to ) and the other in the "upper" half.
The sum of inverse squares of distances of P1 and P2 from Q equals the inverse square distance from P to Q.
The diameter of the bigger circle cuts the smaller circle at and at another point . You can then make the following considerations:
Hence, the arc is equal to the arc , again because the radius is half.
The chord is the height of the right triangle , hence for the Inverse Pythagorean Theorem:
Hence for half of the points on the bigger circle (the ones in the lower half) there is a corresponding point on the smaller circle with the same arc distance from (since the circumference of the smaller circle is half the one of the bigger circle, the last two points closer to must have arc distance 2 as well). Vice versa, for each of the points on the smaller circle, we can build a pair of points on the bigger circle, and all of these points are equidistant and have the same arc distance from .
Furthermore, the total for the bigger circle is the same as the for the smaller circle, since each pair of points on the bigger circle has the same inverse square sum as the corresponding point on the smaller circle.[14]
See the special cases of the identities for the Riemann zeta function when Other notably special identities and representations of this constant appear in the sections below.
In van der Poorten's classic article chronicling Apéry's proof of the irrationality of ,[19] the author notes as "a red herring" the similarity of a simple continued fraction for Apery's constant, and the following one for the Basel constant:
where . Another continued fraction of a similar form is:[20]
where .
^Vandervelde, Sam (2009), "Chapter 9: Sneaky segments", Circle in a Box, MSRI Mathematical Circles Library, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute and American Mathematical Society, pp. 101–106
^A priori, since the left-hand-side is a polynomial (of infinite degree) we can write it as a product of its roots as
Then since we know from elementary calculus that , we conclude that the leading constant must satisfy .
^Vladimir Platonov; Andrei Rapinchuk (1994), Algebraic groups and number theory, translated by Rachel Rowen, Academic Press|
^Johan Wästlund (December 8, 2010). "Summing Inverse Squares by Euclidean Geometry"(PDF). Chalmers University of Technology. Department of Mathematics, Chalmers University. Retrieved 2024-10-11.
^Connon, D. F. (2007), "Some series and integrals involving the Riemann zeta function, binomial coefficients and the harmonic numbers (Volume I)", arXiv:0710.4022 [math.HO]